Why do I like and sell ibis bikes?
There are lots of good bikes out there to choose from.
Quite simply, I like ibis because of the people.
The bikes are a reflection of the people who made them.
The bikes are what these three guys – Scot, Hans, and Tom – want to build. They build bikes they want to ride.
They are smart, creative, and knowledgeable guys who ride bikes every day and love bike riding more than just about anything else in life.
They choose to come to work every day and design bikes that are the bikes they want to ride.
They are honest and have the best customer service and relationships of any bicycle business anywhere.
They are a small company – three main owners and a few employees. Their goal is not become the biggest bike company, but to become the best bike company they can be. When you call them, a real person answers the phone and often it is one of the three owners.
When you ride an ibis you are a member of the ibis family. I have become a member of the ibis family, and in addition to selling their bikes, I contribute feedback to ibis on their designs. We all contribute according to our abilities.
I designed bikes for ibis back in the day. In 1986 Scot asked if I would design a line of tandems for him and we have kept in touch and occasionally worked on stuff together. Scot is an innovative thinking person to say the least. He has always been on the cutting edge of design, but not in a mainstream way of thinking. He has always surrounded himself with really good people who help turn his ideas into reality. The “new” ibis is no different, except that Hans Heim and Tom Morgan have thrown in with Scot. How could you not want to work with guys like these and a company like ibis?